“Alice:How long is forever? White Rabbit:Sometimes, just one second.” L. Carroll

Monday, November 24, 2014

Poem (task)- 1-SB

Through shade upon shade of aquamarine and sapphire,

Set below burnished gold,

Hand upon helpful fin and skin to silky skin,

In joyful oneness with their graceful strength,

I swam with gently dolphins.

Trudging and staggering, coldly determined,

Through whirling white and glacial glitter,

Across crystal chasms and frozen floes,

Ploughing through shifting drifts of snow upon snow,

I journeyed to the Pole.


As I blasted off to the violet vastness of space,

It came for me, creeping on stealthy feet;

Drawing me back to my shadowed pillow.

A stricken statue of terror,

Shaken by my heart's tumultuous beat.


A sighing drone, a grumbling groan,

 A growling voice - trying to talk?

A rattling, rumbling drawn-out moan,

(Good morning! It's time for my walk.)


With a jump and a bump and a slithering slump,

I could feel his hot breath on my head!

Not a ghoul with a curse, a monster or worse ...

Just my dog, jumping up on my bed!







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